
Jeff Fischer Data-Ken is the personal technical blog of Jeffrey M. Fischer. I’m a consultant and entrepreneur in the enterprise software space, focusing on analytics, platforms, and machine learning. I blog about these topics, general technology trends, technical issues I encounter in my daily work, and other technical interests (e.g. programming languages).

My Background

I have held developer, management, and research roles in small and large companies. I am currently an independent consultant, focused on architecture, performance tuning, advisory services, and proofs of concept around data intensive applications. My current clients include a computing research laboratory and a high performance computing and storage company. I am also co-organizer of BayPiggies, the Bay Area Python Interest Group, which meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in Sunnyvale.

Previously, I was co-founder and VP of Engineering at Quaddra Software, a file analytics startup. Prior to Quaddra, I was co-founder of genForma, a Platform-as-a-Service for the enterprise funded by the National Science Foundation. Before that, I spent five years at Siebel, where I built the Enterprise Integration team, and created the Siebel Integration Platform. I also spent five years at Oracle, where I developed key components of Oracle’s distributed lock manager and wrote Oracle’s cluster manager.

I have a PhD in Computer Science from UCLA, where I focused on programming languages, software verification, and security.

Contacting Me

You can reach me via my email address jeff @ THIS_WEBSITES_DOMAIN_NAME or through one of the social media links in the sidebar.

About the Blog Title

Ken – one’s range of knowledge or sight

Data – all that stuff on our computers

About the Blog Software

This blog was built using Pelican, a static website generator written in Python. I started with the tuxlite_tbs theme and modified it to suit my needs. The Github activity stream widget on the front page is from Casey Scarboroug .


Any opinions expressed in this blog are my personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions of current or former employers or clients.